
Showing posts from September, 2024

12 Surya Namaskar Mantras for Daily Practice

          Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a popular yoga poses practice that brings together the mind, body, and spirit. A key part of this practice is the chanting of the 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras. These mantras are dedicated to the Sun, which is considered the source of life and energy. By reciting these mantras during your practice, you can deepen your connection to the Sun’s powerful energy. The 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras:   Om Mitraya Namaha– Salutations to the friend of all  Om Ravaye Namaha – Salutations to the shining one  Om Suryaya Namaha – Salutations to the one who induces activity  Om Bhanave Namaha – Salutations to the one who illuminates Om Khagaya Namaha – Salutations to the one who moves swiftly in the sky  Om Pushne Namaha – Salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha – Salutations to the golden cosmic self   Om Marichaye Namaha – Salutations to the Lord of the dawn Om Adityaya Namaha – Salutations to the

12 Surya Namaskar Mantras for Daily Practice

          Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a popular yoga poses practice that brings together the mind, body, and spirit. A key part of this practice is the chanting of the 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras. These mantras are dedicated to the Sun, which is considered the source of life and energy. By reciting these mantras during your practice, you can deepen your connection to the Sun’s powerful energy. The 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras:   Om Mitraya Namaha– Salutations to the friend of all  Om Ravaye Namaha – Salutations to the shining one  Om Suryaya Namaha – Salutations to the one who induces activity  Om Bhanave Namaha – Salutations to the one who illuminates Om Khagaya Namaha – Salutations to the one who moves swiftly in the sky  Om Pushne Namaha – Salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha – Salutations to the golden cosmic self   Om Marichaye Namaha – Salutations to the Lord of the dawn Om Adityaya Namaha – Salutations to the